Do not combine multiple jobs or print sides on one page. For
example, if you are submitting files for a 2 sided postcard, please
layout each side on a different page – do not put both sides on one
page. For applications like Quark Xpress, Adobe Indesign, or PDF, you
may submit one file with multiple pages.
Be sure to proofread your documents very carefully prior to
submitting. Once we have begun working on your files, should you require
us to make type edits, or should you submit new files, additional
charges may apply.
For best results it is recommended to convert fonts to outlines/paths
when possible. If you are unable to convert your fonts to outlines/paths
then you must supply all fonts used in your files when submitting them.
Supply both printer and screen fonts when submitting postscript fonts.
We suggest using postscript fonts whenever possible and be careful of
stylizing type in the different applications.

scans should be scanned at 300 dpi (or greater) or for 175 lpi
printing. Black and white bitmaps should be scanned at 1200dpi. All
colour files must be CMYK and not RGB. Files requiring conversions will
be subject to extra charges and we will not be responsible for
unexpected colour shifts.For best results place scanned images in files
at 100% sizing. Do not save files with transfer functions. Save images
as TIFF or EPS. Do not save images as JPEG

If your printed piece has printing going right to the edge of the paper on atleast one edge then your job is said to Bleed.
When setting up files with for jobs that bleed, extra image/artwork
must be included so the bleed can be cut correctly. Please allow a
minimum of 1/16″ (1/8″ recommended)” bleed on all sides.
Print jobs printed as full colour, or 4 colour, are printed out
of CMYK colours. Please note that Pantone (PMS) and RGB colours do not
always convert accurately to CMYK. If printing in full colour, then it
is best to design your job in CMYK mode from the beginning. As well.
make sure all graphical elements are CMYK colours and not RGB.
When printing full colour (CMYK) jobs, we print to pleasing colour on press using standard ink densities.
If your job is to be printed in grayscale (black and white)
then be sure all images, type and objects have been converted to
grayscale or black. Elements supplied in RGB or CMYK colours that are
automatically converted to grayscale at our end may not convert to
grayscale with the desired effects. It is best for you to handle
conversions at your end prior to submitting files.

printing large areas of solid black it is recommended that you use a
“Rich Black”. Printing only 100% black for large areas may cause the
black ink to look light or washed out. By printing with a rich black the
black will look much richer. Your “Rich Black” colour should be made up
of : 60% Cyan, 60% Magenta, 60% Yellow & 100% Black.
Only use this rich black for large areas – do not use rich black for small type.
Thin lines and strokes should not be less 0.25 points thick, or there is
a risk they may not show up on the final printed piece. We will not be
responsible for lines not printing if they are less than 0.25 points
When designing jobs to be printed using spot Pantone colours (otherwise
known as PMS colours) , make sure all graphical elements use only the
pantone colors, and not CMYK or RGB colours. In addition, do not have
multiple definitions for the same pantone colour. For example, 123 CVU
is not the same as 123CV. In this case, two separate plates for PMS 123
will print out.